This was once a blog. Now it is... largely an abandoned blog. I don't want it to disappear but I don't want the hassle of running and keeping updated a whole wordpress setup so I've imported things in here.

I was in a podcast

So a few weeks ago I made a guest appearance on a podcast that my old friend Evan does with other nerdy people, and now it's up so you can all listen to it! CLICK THIS TO GET TO IT!

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Irresponsible yet awesome imports: Macross Frontier Movie Boxset

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It finally arrived! My English subtitled Macross Frontier 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Movie set. Or to give it its full original title, "Macross Frontier The Movie 30th d Shooting Star b BOX". No I don't know why the title has a stray lowercase 'd' and 'b', but look they're right there on the box art. Maybe they're decorative? But in any case it's Macross and it's blu-rays and it's actually got subtitles and I'm kinda excited. Continue reading...

What's in a name?

People keep asking me what my domain name means. This is probably an unavoidable side effect of the fact that my website is still very much in the "only my friends and family read this" stage, since they're not necessarily that up on anime references. But I figure I should serve the audience I have rather than the audience I dream of having, so get ready to have mysteries revealed!

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