This was once a blog. Now it is... largely an abandoned blog. I don't want it to disappear but I don't want the hassle of running and keeping updated a whole wordpress setup so I've imported things in here.

Patema Inverted: as released by Hanabee

After some entertaining retailer-related drama related to my order, I've finally got my hands on Hanabee's blu-ray release of the film Patema Inverted. This film is directed by Yasuhiro Yoshiura, the same director as Time of Eve, which I've written about here before, and will someday finish writing a proper review of. Continue reading...

Kill la Kill: Blu la Ray (volume 1)


At long last, I now own the actual show that I've been buying all these rad toys from! Or at least I own a third of it, since apparently we live in mysterious dark ages where selling a whole show in one box is a crime against nature, according to Aniplex. Oh well, at least this UK release (from Anime Limited) is only over 3 parts instead of 5 (like the US and Australian releases).

Anyway, I've got Part 1. Let's take a look. Continue reading...

Kill La Kill Figma: it's cool

As anticipated by anyone who listened to that podcast I was on some time ago, I've had the figma of Ryuko from Kill la Kill on order, and today it's finally arrived! First ever figma I've owned, so exciting stuff! Continue reading...

Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Gods (in an actual cinema no less)

In a somewhat more content-heavy change from what I normally post here, today I went to see the English dub theatrical release of the recent film Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Gods, so I figured I'd write about my thoughts on it here. I've talked at length about Dragon Ball Z and English adaptations thereof previously here, but this is actual new content. So what did I think of it? Short answer: I really enjoyed it. Long answer: read on.

Continue reading...