This was once a blog. Now it is... largely an abandoned blog. I don't want it to disappear but I don't want the hassle of running and keeping updated a whole wordpress setup so I've imported things in here.

Words about Openings: Ask DNA

Ok, this is MAYBE kinda cheating since it's an opening credits sequence from a theatrical feature and not a TV series opening, so it's arguably a different form since it's designed to play once and set a mood rather than play every week, but this is a seriously cool piece of animation and music so I really wanna talk about the Cowboy Bebop The Movie opening title sequence.

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Words about Openings: Blue Water

There's the temptation with this series concept to just endlessly talk about the super visually interesting creative opening sequences. Rest assured, I will get to them, but that's hardly a balanced view of what most anime opening sequences are like. So to give some perspective, let's look at the opening for Gainax's classic TV series Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water.

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Words about Openings: Cha La Head Cha La

Fun fact about me, I'm the kind of person who can get really in to anime openings, for some reason. Occasionally I think about them a bit too much. So I thought I'd do a series of pieces where I just write garbage about particular anime theme songs. This first one relates to the very first Dragon Ball Z opening theme.

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Video game marketing examined: Final Fantasy X HD

An interesting thing I discovered through late-night youtubing is a few trailers for Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster. So, first thing's first, get all the "how can it be final if there's 10 of them" and "how can you have an X-2 that's absurd" jokes out of your system.

I'll wait.

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I'm gonna try and make a fanzine

So I'm going to be working on making an anime fanzine with my friend Star. The details are at It's going to be called Weeaboutique. Get in touch if you'd be interested in contributing!

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Kawaii Uguu Dot Moe is the premier anime blog site started on a whim after the purchase of a joke domain name on this here internet. It is written and run by Mickey P, who can be most easily reached on twitter @micpp42. The logo…

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